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Freedom Celebration 2013 - Galatians 5:1

Taught on | Topic: freedom | Keywords: free, salvation

Before accepting Christ into our lives we are slaves to sin who cannot experience true liberty. Even now, as we take freedom for granted in our nation, we may actually be in bondage to the many lies of the world. In Paul's letter to the Galatians, we see a warning about legalism and an encouragement to truly be free in Christ.

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Freedom Celebration 2013
Galatians 5:1
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Before accepting Christ into our lives we are slaves to sin who cannot experience true liberty. Even now, as we take freedom for granted in our nation, we may actually be in bondage to the many lies of the world. In Paul's letter to the Galatians, we see a warning about legalism and an encouragement to truly be free in Christ.
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Independence Day Messages

Independence Day Messages

As believers in Jesus Christ, we have the greatest freedom in the world: "If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed" (John 8:36). Be encouraged to embrace and live out that freedom in these special Independence Day messages.

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  1. Introduction
    1. The Bible has a recurrent theme of freedom
      1. Paul said that we are set free from sin and are slaves to Jesus Christ (see Romans 6:18)
      2. In the past, you were a slave to sin
      3. You get your freedom by becoming Jesus' slave
      4. Jesus quoted the prophet Isaiah when He said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound" (see Isaiah 61:1 and Luke 4:18)
      5. Jesus also said, "If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed" (John 8:36)
    2. Celebrate the birth of the United Sates
      1. This country is 237 years old
      2. In 1776 we adopted the Declaration of Independence
      3. Our founding fathers acknowledged our Creator
    3. Shout out to the troops: "Thank you for standing in the gap for us and defending our freedoms"
  2. Freedom
    1. The singer Janis Joplin sang "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
      1. The more we have, the more enslaved we are
      2. Sexual revolution
      3. Look where it has brought us
        1. Sexually transmitted diseases
        2. Pregnancy out of wedlock
        3. Abortion rate out of control
        4. Drug addiction is out of control—costing our nation 40 billion dollars a year
    2. We celebrate freedom
      1. We believe our nation was founded on the belief that we have the freedom to worship God
      2. The only pathway to freedom is the pathway outlined in the Bible
      3. The book of Galatians is considered the Magna Carta of the New Testament—outlines who we are and what we're made for
      4. "I am betrothed to this book. It has become my wife" —Martin Luther
        1. He loved it so much
        2. He came from a religious background
        3. Bondage to rules and regulations
        4. Some of you are still trusting in your background, your religion
        5. You are not okay unless you have personally placed your faith in Jesus Christ alone
        6. Skip was raised in a religious system that said you just had to be baptized, confirmed, and be a good boy
        7. He found out that's not the truth—you are not saved by those things—those are your works to try to get God's favor
        8. The great thing about the gospel is that it was done for you: It's not something that you could ever do for yourself
      5. The book of Galatians does not begin like the other letters Paul wrote
        1. There's a brief greeting
        2. He puts on the boxing gloves
        3. He wants to box the false teachers that tell people to be a good person to get saved
        4. Paul marvels that they would follow a false doctrine
        5. Today, there are still people who are trying to be good enough to get God to love them
        6. When you see Jesus and receive what He's done for you, then you let God change you from the inside out, not the outside in
      6. Don't be in bondage again (v. 1)
        1. Paul paints a picture of a yoked animal
        2. He shows that they have went back to their bondage of religion
        3. Legalism, or salvation by works, attempts to change the old you and make it perfect—that's an impossible task
        4. It's hard for some people to receive grace
        5. Skip, when paying his lunch bill, discovered that someone had paid his bill; his first reaction was, "No, I can pay for my own lunch"
        6. At Calvary, Jesus paid your bill
        7. For you to try to add to that is like telling God that His Son wasn't enough—that you need to add to what He did
        8. Let God do in you and through you what you could never do on your own
  3. Closing
    1. "In God We Trust"—says so on all our currency
      1. You're an American
      2. Many think that if they have enough money, they will be free
      3. Having a lot of money can cause you to be in bondage to it
    2. Do you personally trust in God? Do you trust in Jesus Christ alone?
      1. Are you trusting in your work? Your parents work?
      2. Or can you say, "Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling" ("Rock of Ages" by Augustus Montague Toplady)
    3. Think about that question
      1. Are you really a Christian?
      2. Are you born again?
      3. Jesus said, "Unless a man is born again he will never see the kingdom of God" (see John 3:3)
      4. You could have that freedom tonight

Publications Referenced: "Me and Bobby McGee" by Janis Joplin, "Rock of Ages" by Augustus Montague Toplady
Figures referenced: Janis Joplin, Martin Luther
Cross references: Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18, John 3:3, John 8:36, Romans 6:18


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Introduction: Welcome to Calvary Albuquerque. We pursue the God who is passionately pursuing a lost world; we do this with one another, through worship, by the Word, to the world.

Skip Heitzig: Happy third of July! Happy Fourth of July! Hey, we're going to be sharing just for a few minutes out of the Word. I'm going to ask everyone who's walking around and talking to just sort of find a space, find a place, settle down for a few minutes. We're going to have plenty of time to party on, watch fireworks, eat food, hang out, be together, make noise, but let's just calm our hearts, still our bodies, and focus our minds on what the Lord has to share with us in his Word.

I want to begin tonight by making an announcement, a freedom announcement, and that is, a financial freedom announcement. I hold in my hand a letter from the bank that says as of the last part of May we have paid off this property. [cheers and applause]

So, just to kind of give you—bring you up to date on this, up to speed, a few years ago we made a commitment and we shared it with you that we were going to try as quick as we can—we hate debt. And we thought it would be great to be able to pass on to the next generation a debt-free piece of property instead of encumbering the next generation with all sorts of debt. We thought that we would suggest this would be a good model for our government to follow, but I don't know if they're going to listen to that.

So, anyway, it's not that we have no debts, but this building is paid off, that means all of the property that you're occupying has been paid off. We're debt free. And what we've done over the last few years in the past is to tighten the belt, and keep very tight budgets, and be very careful how we expand. We definitely want to expand and do more ministry and reach more people.

There's still millions of people out there who don't know Christ, and we need to think of ways and spend money to reach them for Christ; so, we're all about doing that. But now that this is done, and we have, like, put on hold the roof that has leaks, the parking lot that's aging, the carpet that looks really gnarly, and things like an HD system to get the message out better quality. Now, all of those things we can tackle and we can pay for it as we go. We can pay for it cash instead of taking out loans and paying interest. So, I just wanted to share that with you. Thank you; good job to you. Thank you, Lord! [applause]

And then I want to share with you out of Galatians an encouragement, an encouragement to freedom. One verse, it's in Galatians, chapter 5. I'm going to read it to you. Paul writes, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage." That's the encouragement Paul gives toward a life of freedom. And if you know anything about the Bible, you know that the Bible has a recurrent theme of freedom, liberty.

It was Paul the apostle in Romans who said that we are set free from sin and have become slaves of Jesus Christ. Your past life is that you were a slave to sin. If you know Jesus Christ tonight—and I hope you know him really; I hope you really have a relationship with him—then you are freed from that past life and you have become a slave to Jesus Christ. That's how you get your freedom, by being his slave. [applause]

And then you remember it was the Lord Jesus who quoted the prophet Isaiah in a synagogue one day when he said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor, and to proclaim liberty to those who are bound." On one occasion Jesus said, "If the Son sets you free, then you are"— what?—"free indeed," or you are really, truly, free.

Well, we celebrate here the Fourth of July, even though this is the third of July. We celebrate it, it's our midweek service, we're glad you could come. We thought we should have a huge party celebration, not only for this nation—and we do celebrate the birth of this nation. Do you know that we're 237 years old as a country? That's not very old actually; that's pretty young as far as nations are concerned.

But in 1776 we adopted the Declaration of Independence. It says, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." Our founding fathers acknowledged that we were put here by a Creator, and they made that part of the Declaration.

And one of the things we want to do tonight is give a shout out of thanks and gratitude to all of our men and women who are serving out in harm's way around the world, our troops who are defending the freedoms of this nation. [cheers and applause]

Many are watching on the Internet, because I get reports about that during the week, and so we want to say a wholehearted, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for standing in the gap for us and for defending our freedoms; so, we're thankful for that. [applause] Now, I believe—yeah, thank you.

I believe that freedom is one of the tragic consequences of being as free as we are in this nation is that our freedom goes unappreciated by so many people. I don't know if you remember a singer named Janis Joplin back in the late sixties, but—really you're clapping for her? She said—she had an interesting song. She said, "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." And I thought, "There's a person who doesn't understand true freedom."

See, it seems that the more we have in this free culture, the more stuff we get, the more things we do, the more freedoms that we enjoy, it seems that we become more enslaved to doing certain things and having certain things. Back in the day, people were all about the "sexual revolution." You should be able to do what you want, and "if you can't be with the one you love, then love the one you're with"—sexual freedom. But look where it has got this nation: sexual transmitted diseases, pregnancy out of wedlock, the abortion rate out of control.

Then there was the freedom to experiment, take any drug you want. It's costing our nation forty billion dollars a year in just dealing with drug addiction in this country alone. So, it seems that the more we have, and the more we do, the more in bondage we become. As one person put it, "The more you do as you please, the less you are pleased with what you do." You become in bondage to the very things that you wanted the freedom to enjoy.

I've never met a prostitute that said, "You know, I'm totally fulfilled in my life. I always wanted sexual freedom, and now I have it, and I'm just so happy." I've never met a drug addict who said, "Boy, am I glad I started taking drugs. I am so fulfilled. This is the life!" You can become in bondage to the very things you've longed to have the freedom to practice.

So, why do we hold a church service celebrating the Fourth of July? Because, see, some of you would say, "This isn't a Christian holiday; this is a national holiday." Well, because we believe, many of us, that our nation was originally founded on the idea that we have the freedom to worship God, and that the only pathway to freedom is the pathway that is outlined in the Bible.

Now, I've read to you one verse out of the book of Galatians: "Stand fast in the liberty with which Christ has made you free." Did you know that that little verse, in that fact, this whole book, the book of Galatians is considered the "Magna Carta" of the New Testament? The Magna Carta of the Protestant Reformation was the book of Galatians. I think it's right up there with the book of Romans as far as the importance as a document that outlines who we are, what we have, what we're made for.

Martin Luther—I have a book in my library printed in 1749, before we were even a nation. Printed in 1749 where Martin Luther speaks about the book of Galatians and he said, "I am betrothed to this book. It is become my wife." He loved it so much, because he came from a religious background that put him in bondage and told him to keep rules and regulations, and his own works, his own efforts in order to get to heaven.

And some of you are still trusting in your background, your religion. You were raised in a religious background, maybe you went to church every week, and you're thinking, "Well, because I've been religious and I've gone to church my whole life, and my parents and my grandparents they believed in God, I'm okay." I'm here to tell you, you're not okay. You are only okay inasmuch as you personally have placed your faith in Jesus Christ alone for your freedom and to take your sin away.

And I tell you why that has to be said, because I was raised in a system. I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church that taught me if I'm baptized and I'm confirmed and I be a good, practicing, religious person, I'm going to get to heaven; and then I discovered that's not the truth. You're not saved be being baptized. You're not saved by being confirmed. You're not saved by going to church. Those are your works. Those are things you do to get God's favor.

The great word of the Gospel isn't "do this and do that"; the great word of the Gospel is "it's done." It was done for you on your behalf, nothing you could ever do. That's why this book is the Magna Carta. That's why this little one verse is so important—stand fast, stay put, don't go back to religion. "Stand fast in the liberty with which Christ has made you free."

Now, interesting thing about this little book of Galatians, it doesn't begin like a lot of Paul's letters. If you're familiar with the New Testament, you know that Paul, when he writes letters, he usually has a word of greetings, a word of greeting to the people, and he gives praise to God, and then he has a prayer for the people that he's writing to. That's how he typically writes; he doesn't do that in this book.

It's like he introduces himself, has a brief word of greeting, and then he has his boxing gloves on. And he wants to box those false teachers that were saying, "You be a good person. You work your way to heaven. You do good things in order for God to like you and for you to get saved." And Paul says, "I got my boxing gloves on; I'm going to take you guys on." And he begins the letter by saying this, "I marvel that you are so quickly turned away from him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different Gospel."

There's a lot of people today that are following a different Gospel. Oh, they will say, "Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. I believe in God." But it's not the Gospel of the New Testament that says you put your faith in Jesus Christ alone. There's still people trying to be good enough to get God to love them, and that's the wrong Gospel. That a different Gospel.

The fact that Jesus died on a cross shows there's nothing you could ever do to get God to love you, but he showed his love by giving his Son. And when you look at his Son and you say, "I receive what he's done for me on my behalf, and that's all I need to do," and then you let God change you from the inside out, not the outside in. That's where it's at, and that's what he means when he says, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty in which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage."

You know what a yoke is? It doesn't mean that's what you ate for breakfast today with your egg. It's not that kind of a yoke. When Jesus said, "Take my yoke upon you," he wasn't, like, cracking an egg on somebody's head. A yoke was a device put on animals to control them. And the picture that Paul is painting is of an animal with a yoke that is so heavy that he's just bowed down to the ground and he can't stand up.

And that's the yoke of religion which these Galatians had left and once stood in the liberty of Christ just believing in him, but many of them had gone back into legalism. And Paul says, "Don't do that. Don't budge. Don't move. Keep your feet planted. Stay put." Legalism or salvation by works attempts to do the impossible. It tries to change the old you, the flesh, it tries to change the old human character and make it perfect. You can't do that; it's an impossible task.

It's hard for some people to receive grace. I was at lunch this afternoon, kind of a late lunch, and when I went to pay the bill the maître d' said, "The bill's already been taken care of." I said, "Excuse me?" He said, "Yeah, there was a fellow in here that came up and said hi to you; he paid your check." And, you know, my first instinct was, "No, he can't do that. I want to pay for my own lunch. I don't need a free lunch." There is no free lunch. And just—it was innately hard for me just to receive that free gift. So I said, "Well, at least I gotta give you a tip." He goes, "Oh, no, the tip's included; he included the tip."

What Jesus did at Calvary was pay your bill, pay your tab. And for you to try to add something to that is like looking up into heaven and saying, "God, giving your Son, your best, wasn't good enough for me. Watch, God, I'll show you that I can add something to what Jesus did by my works, by my religion." Well, that's the word, that's the word of Galatians chapter 5 verse 1, "Stand fast." Don't go back to legalism; don't go back to religion. Jesus made you free. You're saved by grace and you are being changed, sanctified in the spirit by that same grace. Let God do in you and through you what you could never do on your own.

If you have a coin or a dollar bill in your pocket would you just take it out for a moment. Just take it out—don't worry, I'm not going to take an offering here. [laughter] Although, there are so many of you it's kind of tempting. No, I'm just kidding. [laughter] If you take out a coin or a dollar bill—on my dollar bill, you know it says in the front, it has George on the front. He's just sort of giving that weird smile and it says "United States of America." But on the back, right over the one, it says something very important. What does it say? "In God we trust."

At one time I think that was true of this country. I don't think that's true necessarily as a nation anymore. But I want to ask you a question; you're an American. A lot of people think, "If I have enough of this stuff, I'll be free. If I have enough money, I'll have such financial freedom, I'll be able to do anything. I'll never be in bondage to anyone." Boy, you can be in such slavery by having so many of these that you become its servant, you become its slave.

Question: What it says on this dollar bill, is it true of you? Do you personally tonight trust in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation? Are you trusting in anyone or anything else? Are you trusting in your goodness? Are you trusting in your belief system? Are you trusting in your religion? Are you trusting in some act you've done or what your parents have done? Or would you say like the hymn writer said, "Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to thy cross I cling." That's grace. That's undeserved, unmerited favor.

Now, in just a moment we're going to close this portion off with a prayer. We're going to get back to the celebration, in just a bit the fireworks, but I want you to think about that question. Are you trusting completely in the Lord Jesus Christ to get you to heaven? Are you certain—if you were to go home tonight, if you were not to make it home, if you were to die in a motorcycle or a car accident, or a heart attack, or some disease, or a number of any unforeseen circumstances, are you absolutely sure that when you die you'd be in God's presence, you'd be in heaven?

Think about your life. Think about what you're trusting in. Think about how you've been living. Are you really a Christian? Are you born again? Jesus said, "Unless a man is born again, he will never see the kingdom of God." Have you had a new birth? Have you ever had a real point in time where you have made a decision to leave the old life and to follow Jesus Christ? Because if you haven't, tonight's your night. This is your time of freedom. This is going to be your freedom celebration, and we're going to give you an opportunity to do that?

I want you to bow your head with me. Father, as we are in this place with a beautiful evening that you've given us, with great music that we've listened to, and more to come, with the display of fireworks that celebrates national freedom, it's so much more meaningful to us because of the spiritual freedom we have in Jesus Christ alone.

We pray for those who might be next to us. I pray for those who have gathered here among this huge crowd who doesn't have a relationship with you, or perhaps they've wandered away from you. They're not walking with you tonight; they've walked away from you.

They've been dabbling in something for far too long, and they don't have a sense of your presence. They're not sure if they're saved. Lord, you want to give them the assurance. And, so, Father, I pray, we pray in this place that you would do a work of bringing them to you, bringing them home, and into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

With your heads bowed, if you are gathered here tonight and you don't know Jesus personally, if you are at a place where you are willing to say, "I want to make a change in my life. I want to leave the darkness and I want to step into the light. I'm tired—I'm sick and tired of living an unfulfilled life without meaning, without real purpose, just going through the motions. I would love to know that I'm here for a purpose. And I would love to know God's plan and purpose for my life. And I'm ready to give my life to him, to enter into true freedom, to leave slavery and bondage and come into a relationship with Christ."

Others of you would say, "I remember what it's like, and I've been in the enemies territory too long. I need to come back home to him." If that describes you, as we're praying, I want you to raise your hand as high as you can raise it for just a moment. Just raise it up and keep it up for a moment. We're going to acknowledge your hand, and we're going to say a prayer for you. You raise it up.

I see hands all around this amphitheater—in the back, in the middle, right up in the front. Raise it up high. God bless all of you. All the way to the sides, over here to my right, and behind me, and on the sides. And if you're in the park, you raise your hand; there are pastors that are over there. You just raise your hand up with your family, and your saying, "I want to give my life to Jesus. I'm leaving the past, I want to live for the future, and I want it to be his future."

Father, we pray for the many people who have hands raised around this amphitheater and out in the park, probably six thousand or more. We pray for those, Lord, whom you have touched and you have been for some time drawing to yourself. Give them the strength, Lord, to follow through with the grace that you're pouring out to draw them to Jesus, so when they leave tonight they're going to leave different men, and different women, different boys, different girls than the ones that came in. We ask it in Jesus' name, amen.

Now the band's going to sing a song. And I saw hands go up all around this place. We're going to give you the time as we sing this song for you to get up out of your seat, find the nearest set of steps, and stand right up here in the front. We're going to have some of our pastors and counselors who are making way right up here; you stand up here. I'm going to lead you in a prayer to receive Christ.

If you are in the back, in the front, on the sides, you come and make it public. If you're off to my right, to the left, if you're over in the park, we're going to wait for you to come over on this side as we sing this song. I'm going to lead you in a prayer to receive Christ as your Savior. You'll never regret that you've done this. Jesus is going to do for you what you could never do for yourself.

You get up and come, this is your Fourth of July, this is your Freedom Fest. (Make room for them.) You keep coming, we're going to make time and we're going to make room. We have all night for you.

[worship music plays]

We're still going to make room, and we're gonna make time for you. Way, way back to my right, way back down there by the bookstore, there's a lot of people. And sometimes people come to services like this and they want to get way in the back; they do it on purpose. Some of you, God has been tapping at the door of your heart for a long time. And tonight he has one thing to say to you, "Give it up."

Throw in the towel. Quit fighting your Creator. Jesus died to set you free. He wants you to leave the shackles and come into freedom. You get up, and you come, and you come to pray to receive Christ. If you're over in the park, you make your way over here. We're going pray in just a moment.

Jesus so often called people publicly; I'm calling you publicly because I read in my Bible that Jesus often called people publicly to follow him. Anybody else? We're going to give you time. [applause] Awesome! God bless you guys. That's right, that's right. All right, come on up. That's right.

[worship music plays]

We're about to lead these who have come in a word of prayer. If there's anybody else, don't hide behind the hamburgers, or behind the Fritos, or anything, just come out. Come out of the shadows, step into the light.

You feel a few drop drops of rain? Isn't that beautiful? So refreshing—what a gift from God. Now, those of you who have walked forward, I'm so glad you made this choice. We're so glad you decided to step out of the shadows and to follow Jesus. And I see very young faces, I see middle-aged faces, I see some older faces; that would include my face as well, by the way. I see all sorts of different ages. So grateful for every one of you. Now, I'm going to lead you in a prayer, and I'm going ask you to pray this prayer out loud after me. I want you to say these words from your heart to the Lord. You ready? Let's pray.

Say: Lord, I give you my life. I know I'm a sinner. Please forgive me. I believe that Jesus died on a cross, and that he rose from the dead, and that he did it for me. I turn from my sin; I leave my past behind. I turn to Jesus as my Savior. I want to live for him as my Lord, help me, in Jesus' name, amen. Amen! [applause]

Now, now, this is just the beginning. Every single one of you who has walked forward, we have something, a personal gift we want to give to each one of you that includes a New Testament and a few items that will help you walk with the Lord. And so we're going to lead you over here. (Who's leading them; I need a hand over there. Is that Jesse? That's Jesse, okay.) You see Jesse and these guys; Jesse and Mike and these guys over here raising their hands? Okay, follow this group right over here. These guys are going to keep their hands raised; follow them.

We're just going to take you to this foyer. You're going to be out of the sprinkles for just a minute. We're going to give that stuff to you. Please, this is a very important process. We want to make sure you understand what it is to follow Christ and how we can help you do that, so it'll just take a few minutes. I know there's a lot of you, but we have a lot of help and a lot of friends to help take care of this. Just everyone go this way, right over here. Come on, give it up for these folks. This is awesome!

Closing: What binds us together is devotion to worshiping our heavenly Father, dedication to studying his Word, and determination to proclaim our eternal hope in Jesus Christ.

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Freedom Celebration 2011
John 8:31-35
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
All of us are born into bondage—we are slaves to sin. But there is hope! Jesus can turn a slave into a son! As we consider our text from John 8, we'll be challenged to grow up and to grow deep in our relationship with Christ.
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Free to be a Slave
Romans 6:14-23
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
God’s Word declares, "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Corinthians 3:17). As we gather to celebrate not only the freedoms of our nation, but our freedom in Christ, we’ll consider what we have been set free from, and what we have been set free for. We’ll address an issue that is often overlooked as we ponder the question: whom do you serve?
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Freedom Celebration 2009
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Freedom Celebration 2009 from our study Independence Day Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Special Baptism Service
Skip Heitzig
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Freedom Celebration 2004 - Are You Really Free?
John 8:31-51
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Freedom Celebration 2004 - Are You Really Free? - John 8:31-51 from our study Independence Day Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Are You Really Free?
John 8
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Are You Really Free? - John 8 from our study Independence Day Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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There are 12 additional messages in this series.
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