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Easter Sunrise Service 2012 - Rise Up - John 20:24-31

Taught on | Topic: Resurrection | Keywords: Thomas, doubting, resurrection

The apostle Thomas has been noted for his skeptical attitude. In fact, we refer to a skeptic as a "doubting Thomas." In this message from John 20, we consider four ways Thomas was able to rise up from doubt and become a joyful follower of Jesus.

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Easter Sunrise Service 2012 - Rise Up
John 20:24-31
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
The apostle Thomas has been noted for his skeptical attitude. In fact, we refer to a skeptic as a "doubting Thomas." In this message from John 20, we consider four ways Thomas was able to rise up from doubt and become a joyful follower of Jesus.
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Easter Messages

Easter Messages

At Easter, we celebrate Jesus Christ: He has conquered sin and death, and in Him we have everlasting life. These Easter teachings from over the years echo the same glorious message: He is risen!

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  1. Introduction
    1. Pessimist: a person who is always seasick in the voyage of life
    2. Thomas
      1. Not with the apostles when Jesus first appeared to them in the Upper Room
      2. Missed the joy
      3. Thought crucifixion was the end
      4. "Doubting Thomas"
      5. Didn't show up at the tomb on resurrection morning
  2. Rise up and Be Honest (vv. 24-25)
    1. Thomas wanted something substantive to believe in
      1. Others said they had seen the Lord
      2. Thomas thought they spoke from emotion or mystical experience
    2. Thomas' personality
      1. When Jesus wanted to go to Jerusalem: "Then Thomas, who is called the Twin, said to his fellow disciples, 'Let us also go, that we may die with Him'" (John 11:16)
        1. Courage
        2. Loyalty
        3. Honesty
      2. Last Supper: "Thomas said to Him, 'Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?'" (John 14:5)
      3. Cynical
      4. Honest
    3. Apostles wanted a rational faith
      1. Had been with Jesus
      2. Seen His miracles
      3. Heard His words
      4. He had died: what they believed was shattered
      5. His claims did not seem substantiated by rational evidence
      6. Saw Jesus alive, had reason to believe
    4. Christianity appeals to objective facts of history
      1. "The heart cannot delight in what the mind rejects as false"—Clark Pinnock
      2. God doesn't ask us to take a blind leap into the dark
      3. He asks us to take a balanced leap into the light
      4. "I took the evidence that I could gather and put it on the scales. The scales tipped the way of Christ being the Son of GOD and resurrected from the dead. It was so overwhelmingly leaning to Christ that when I became a Christian, it was a 'step into the light' rather than a 'leap into the darkness.'" Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell
    5. Dealing with doubt
      1. Investigate
      2. Talk to the Lord
      3. Be honest about life
        1. Unfulfilled needs
        2. Past: shame imperfection desires
        3. Sins
          1. Confession
          2. Forsake
          3. Repent
          4. Come to Christ
  3. Rise up and Be Amazed (v. 26)
    1. Jesus showed up; Thomas didn't expect it
      1. 8 days
      2. Hopeless
      3. Didn't know Jesus had risen from the dead
      4. Confusion
        1. "I'm confused... I always believed science would be the cure-all for my problems, but I don't know if I can keep living without eternal life. I guess I'll just have to find a way myself to make it through this meaningless existence. I just wish I knew of someone who could show me the path to eternal life. If science can't provide the answers, though, then who or what can!? *sigh* Doesn't it seem like there is a higher power that gives our lives purpose? Well, science says there isn't, so there isn't."
        2. If this is all there is, then life is meaningless
    2. Some churches do not believe in the literal resurrection
      1. Risen in spirit
      2. Risen in our hearts: as a concept or idea
      3. In the sense that His teaching live on (according to Time Magazine)
    3. Resurrection is not a creed or a concept
      1. He is a real person who is alive today and forevermore
      2. Non-negotiable
      3. Pivotal point of our faith
    4. If Jesus is not personally, literally alive from the dead
      1. He is a liar
      2. There is no forgiveness for sin, no salvation, no hope
    5. Thomas wasn't with the apostles when Jesus appeared to them
      1. "Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, 'Peace be with you.' When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord" (John 20:19-20)
      2. He missed the appearance of Jesus Christ
      3. He missed the commission of Jesus Christ
      4. He missed the joy Jesus gave to His disciples
      5. Thomas was an out-of-fellowship Christian
        1. A believer; not a belonger
        2. Isolated
        3. Pessimistic
  4. Rise up and Be Diligent (v. 27)
    1. Thomas though Jesus wasn't there
    2. Jesus was gracious
      1. Use your methods
      2. Check out the evidence
    3. Jesus credentials
      1. His impact on history
      2. His claim
        1. God
        2. Die and rise again
        3. His resurrection
          1. No other spiritual leader claimed a resurrection
          2. Disciples died for it
          3. More details about the last hours of His life, His death, and the hours following than any other person in ancient history
    4. Truth
      1. "Everyone wants to know the truth"—Aristotle
      2. We need a bedrock of truth to base our life on
      3. "What is truth?"—Pontius Pilate (see John 18:38)
        1. Cynically
        2. Yearning for absolute truth
      4. Christianity is based on objective historical facts of the resurrection
        1. Not based on philosophical truth
        2. Not based on personal bias
  5. Rise up and Believe (vv. 27-31)
    1. The Lord called Thomas to belief: Stop becoming faithless
    2. Rises from doubt to faith
      1. My Lord: common
      2. My God: deity
    3. The twin
      1. Not named
      2. Are we like Thomas' twin?
    4. Everyone exercises faith
      1. To drive a car
      2. To cash a check
      3. To go to heaven

Publications referenced: Evidence That Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell; Time Magazine
Figures referenced: Clark Pinnock
Cross references: John 11:16; John 14:5; John 18:38; John 20:19-20


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Welcome to our resurrection celebration.  What a beautiful day God has given us, what a wonderful gift.  And I do also want to say that you all do look really great.  Let me say, women, what you chose to wear today was the right outfit.  And no, none of you look too fat.  You all look great.  Some of you guys look a little sketchy but other than that, I want to thank all those who helped put this together.

I want to thank our Lieutenant Governor for being here today opening in prayer.  I want to thank our staff and so many volunteers that helped set this up and put this on.  I want to thank Phil Wickham and his band for coming out from San Diego to be a part of this.  I want to thank you for getting up this morning and making it a priority to worship the Lord early in the morning, to come out and give God what is rightfully due His name and that is the praise for giving us hope that we also can live again.

And because we are able to meet in a venue so nice as this and have the freedoms that we have in this nation that we often take for granted, I'm especially grateful for those men and women that wear a uniform and are representing us overseas, many of them in harm's way so that we can live freely.

I'm going to be speaking to you this morning out of the Gospel of John Chapter 20, looking at a very unique individual in the Bible by the name of Thomas.  Somebody once described a pessimist as a person who's always seasick in the voyage of life.  There were two pessimists that met at a party and instead of shaking hands, they both shook heads.  I even heard about a farmer.  He was always optimistic, always happy, always up, but he had a neighbor who is always a pessimist.

And the optimist would wake up on a day like this and say, "What a glorious, beautiful, bright sunny day."  And the pessimist would say, "I hope the sun doesn't scorch our crops."  The next day would rain and the optimist might say something like, "How good God is to give our crops a drink of water."  And the pessimist would say, "If it keeps raining, it's going to flood and we're all doomed."  

Well, this kept going on and on until one day the optimist thought, "I'm going to get this guy.  I'm going to show him something that he can't say anything bad about."  So, they both went duck hunting one day and they were in a boat and the ducks came up and they pulled their shotguns out and they fired and the ducks fell into the lake, into the swamp and the optimist told his dog to go out and get the ducks.  So, the dog of the optimist walked on top of the water to get the ducks and bring them back to the boat.

And the optimist turned to his friend the pessimist and said, "Ha!  What do you think of that?"  And the pessimist looked back at his friend and said, "He can't swim, can he?"  You know, there are some people that are just like that and it reminds me of a personality in the New Testament by the name of Thomas.

You could call him the apostle from Missouri, the Show Me state.  I won't believe it until I see it.  You see, Thomas was not with the rest of the apostles on the very first appearance that Jesus made to them in the upper room.  And so, he missed out and he missed out on all the joy.  And to Thomas, the crucifixion was the end of the road.  He thought, "This is it.  There's nothing after this.  It's all over.  

Whenever we speak of Thomas, we associate him with doubt.  In fact, we'll call people that we think are skeptical.  We'll give them the term doubting Thomas as if Thomas is somehow the patron saint of all skeptics.  Typically, when we find Thomas in the Bible, he is sort of on a downer.  He's always singing in a minor key.  He sees the dark side of life.  And we all know people that are like that.  Every time they're given any situation, they always see the dark side.  They have a skeptical personality.  You tell them something and -- like, the farmer who was a pessimist ago.

"I don't know.  I don't think it will ever work.  I wouldn't try that," on just about everything.  There was a woman named Helen Hayes.  It was her first Thanksgiving dinner that she was cooking for her family.  She had never made a turkey before.  Her mom showed her how to do it.  She went home and she announced to her family.  "Look, this is the first turkey I've ever cooked for Thanksgiving.  I think it's going to turn out good but just in case it doesn't, I don't want to hear any words from you.  If this thing is burnt or it's not right, I don't want you to say anything.  We're just going to get dressed and we're going to go head out of the door and go to a restaurant.

She went in to the kitchen to get the turkey.  She came back with the turkey and sitting at the table where her husband and her son with their coats and their hat.  Now, if this scripture we're about to read in John 20.  If this were a Winnie the Pooh episode, Thomas would be who?  Eeyore, always the donkey on a downer.  If this were a House episode, I suppose Thomas would be Dr. House, the skeptic.

If this were an American Idol episode, I guess Thomas would be Simon Cowell.  I'm going back a little bit in your episodes.  But Thomas was one of the apostles who didn't show up at the tomb on that first resurrection morning.  He didn't rise up you might say to go see if Jesus was resurrected.  But in this story, he does rise up to the occasion and he comes to believe.

So many of you have come this morning, you've already risen up out of your bed and you've come to this stadium.  And I hope that like Thomas, you rise to the occasion and that you believe in Jesus.  If you don't already, you will have an opportunity this morning before you leave this place to make peace with God and the most important decision you could ever make.

Now, looking at Thomas, there are four ways that we can rise up this morning.  Number one, we can rise up and be honest just like Thomas did.  He was an honest person.  We read this in John Chapter 20, beginning in Verse 24.  Now, Thomas called the twin, one of the 12 was not with them when Jesus came.  The other disciples therefore said to him, "We have seen the Lord."

And so he said to them, "Unless I see His hands and the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and put my hand into His side, I will not believe."  Thomas wanted something substantive to believe in.  Now, the other said, "Well, we have seen the Lord."  But Thomas couldn't be sure, yet they had seen the Lord.

They said, "These guys are so emotional.  You can't be sure that this isn't anything more than just a mystical experience."  Those thoughts were going probably through Thomas' mind.  I remember my earliest days as a Christian.  We're in college and I was surrounded by atheistic and skeptical professors and classmates and they challenged my faith.  And it sent me into a dark period, but a good period of searching and finding out, "Is this stuff really true?"

And probably, some of the apostles around Thomas began to have their own doubts as Thomas started bringing up his.  Now, let me tell you just a little about Thomas and what kind of a guy he was.  Earlier in the Bible story, when Jesus wants to go back up to Jerusalem to Judea, He makes that announcement, "Let's go back up to Jerusalem."  And some of the other apostles say, "Lord, they've tried to kill You every time You go up there.  I think we should stay right here."

It was Thomas who spoke up and said, "Let's go that we may die with Him."  What's up with that?  What kind of a positive thing is that?  "Let's go that we may die with Him"?  But that's Thomas and that shows the courage and the loyalty of this man as well as the honesty of this man.  He was never a pretender.  Then, there was the Last Supper.  When Jesus said to His disciples, "Where I am going, you know.  And the way, you know"

And they are all looking at Jesus not saying a word and Thomas pipes up and says, "Excuse me.  We have no idea where you're going and we don't know how to get there."

He was the only guy that spoke up and said that.  Negative, yes.  Pessimistic, yes, but he was an honest person.  He was in the kind that just say, "Oh well.  Okay, cool whatever."  That sounds spiritual.  There was a Sunday school teacher who is teaching her class about the Good Samaritan story in the Bible and how the man was beaten up and left by the side of the road.  

And so, she asked her class, "What would you do if you saw a man lying by the side of the road beaten and bloody?"  And one little thoughtful girl raised her hand and she said, "I think I'd throw up."  That's honesty.  Thomas was an honest person.  He wasn't faking.  Cynical?  Yes.  A little bit hard-boiled?  Yes, but honest. 

Now, here's the deal.  The apostles at this point wanted rational faith.  Not just mystical, they wanted rational faith because though they had been with Jesus, seen His miracles, heard His words, Jesus had died on a cross a few days before and everything they believed in was completely shattered.  And so, there in that upper room despondent and especially Thomas, why?  Because all of the claims that Jesus made at this point did not seem to be substantiated by rational evidence, but the resurrection changed all that

When they saw Jesus Christ alive, now they had reason, they had proof to believe.  And I want you to know something.  Christianity always appeals to the objective facts of history.  Now, someone once said, "The heart cannot delight in what the mind rejects is false."  And you should know something.  God is not asking you to take some blind leap in the dark.  He's asking you to take a balanced leap into the light and there's a big difference.

One cynic, one skeptic who came to faith wrote these words.  "I took all of the evidence that I could gather and I put it on two sides of the scales.  The scales tipped the way of Jesus being the Son of God and resurrected from the dead.  It was so overwhelming, leaning to Christ that when I became a Christian, it was a leap into the light.  It was not a leap into the darkness."  But honesty is always the first step.

If you're dealing with some doubts, investigate them.  In fact, talk to the Lord about them.  And then be honest about your life.  What about your life?  Could it be that you sense a need, that materialism or your career is not fulfilled?  Be honest about your past.  Have you done some things in your life that you are ashamed of?  Your life hasn't been all that it could be, it's not perfect.  Do you want to know that you can be forgiven?  Be honest about your desires.  Do you feel like there must be something beyond that which you've already experienced and you wish you could know what it is?  And then, be honest about your sins.

The Bible calls that confession.  And when a person is coming to forgiveness, they are told to forsake their sin, to repent of their sin and to come to Christ.  So, number one.  Rise up and be honest, Thomas did.  Number two, rise up and be amazed and Thomas was for we read in Verse 26, "After eight days, His disciples were again inside and Thomas was with them.  Jesus came, the doors being shut and stood in the midst and said, 'Peace to you." 

What do you think Thomas thought of that second?  Here he has this doubt where all these things are going through his mind and he is saying, "I won't believe."  And then, Jesus just shows up.  I'll tell you what he thought.  "Whoa!"  That's what he thought, like, "I didn't expect that to happen."  Now, I don't know if you missed this when I read that text to you but it says, "Thomas was there for eight days."  For eight days people had to listen to his whining.  For eight days over and over again there's Thomas over in the corner going, "I still haven't seen Him.  You guys say you have, still He hasn't shown up."

Day after day after day and then Jesus suddenly shows up and Thomas is now faced with the evidence and what he saw changed him forever.  But Thomas was like so many people who have hoped in nothing, because they don't have hope in Christ.  Thomas was hopeless.  He didn't know that Jesus was risen from the dead, until that moment that He showed up.  

There was confusion that was in his light, because if it's Jesus we have believed in is truly dead and not alive, what are we doing here?  And I would say that to you.  "What are we doing here?"  Unless this is true.  I want you to listen to these words.  I found this on a website, on an atheistic website and one young lady left these comments on the website and I quote.  

She writes, "I'm confused.  I always believed that science would be the cure all for my problems, but I don't know if I can live without eternal life.  I guess I'll just have to find a way myself to make it through this meaningless existence.  I just wish I knew of someone who could show me the path to eternal life.  If science can't provide the answers, then who or what can?"  And she writes, "Sigh.  Doesn't it seem like there is a higher power that gives our life a purpose?  Well, science says there isn't.  So, there isn't."  Did you hear that?

That's the cry of the human heart.  It's the cry that says, "If this is all there is then life is meaningless."  And that's why the resurrection of Jesus rekindled the most important thing in Thomas' heart and that is hope.  Now, here's one of the saddest truths ever.  There are actually some churches who do not believe in a literal resurrection of Christ.  Can you imagine having Easter and not believing in the resurrection?

"Okay.  Well, it's like Easter.  Like, what do we do?"  "I don't know."  There are people who don't believe in it and they call themselves Christians.  You'd say, "Well, what exactly do they believe in?"  Well, some believe that Jesus has risen in spirit.  That's what they said.  "Well, He's risen in spirit."  What does that mean?  Is that like my grandma, she's sort of looking down from heaven smiling.  That's what a lot of us think when somebody dies.  "They are up there looking down.  There's Jesus up there somewhere hopefully looking down."

Listen.  If that's all there is, is that all there is?  If that's all there is, let's go golfing.  What are we doing here?  That's ridiculous.  He's risen in spirit.  Other churches will say, "Well, He's risen in our hearts."  Like he's some concept, just an idea.  The Christ idea is alive in our hearts.  "Oh, get away from me.  That's ridiculous."

And still, others will say -- this is from Time magazine always a trustworthy source of reliable information.  "That Jesus Christ is risen in the sense that His teachings live on," sort of like Gandhi.  He's risen because we still read his stuff.  We still read the book.  What a joke.  Jesus is not some creed or some concept.  He is a real person who's alive today and alive forevermore.

And you've got to understand something.  The reason we make such a big deal out of Easter is because this is it.  This is the pivotal point.  This is the non-negotiable.  We might agree to disagree about a lot of other things, but not this one.  If Jesus Christ is not alive from the dead personally, literally then that makes Him a liar because He said that He would die and be raised from the dead.  And if He did rise physically and personally, then He's a liar.

Number two, if Jesus didn't rise from the dead bodily, personally, there's no resurrection.  There is no forgiveness for our sin.  There is no salvation and there is no hope.  The reason we're here is there is hope and there is hope because He gave it to us when He got up on the third day.

Now, it says Thomas was not with them before.  That's what we read.  If you have your Bible, you go back a couple of verses, to Verse 19.  It says, "The same evening being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples reassembled for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them, "Peace be with you."  When He had said this, He showed them His hands in His side and the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.

Thomas wasn't there at that time.  He missed it all.  He missed the appearance of Jesus Christ.  He missed the commission of Jesus Christ and he missed the joy that he gave to his disciple.

Hey, I bet some of the other apostles were thinking on that first appearance, "Boy, I wish Thomas were here."  Never say that about a person who's not in church.  "Boy, I wish they were here to hear his message."  I bet they were saying that about Thomas.  But here's the point.  Thomas was an out of fellowship Christian.  You might call him a believer, but not a belonger.  There are a lot of people, who fit into that category, don't they?

They say they believe in Jesus Christ but they don't really belong anywhere.  They don't really fellowship regularly.  They isolate themselves and people who isolate themselves become pessimistic like Thomas over time.  So rise up and be honest.  Thomas did.  Rise up and be amazed.  Thomas was.

Number three, rise up and be diligent.  What do I mean by that, rise up and be diligent?  Look at Verse 27, "Then Jesus said to Thomas, 'Reach your finger here and look at my hands and reach your hand here and put it into my side."  Busted.  Thomas is busted.  I know what this feels like.  I was in high school and I was talking about one of my teammates in P.E. class.  I remember it vividly.  It was on a field like this and I was bad mouth and I am then saying, "He's not good.  He's not this.  He's not that."  And he was standing right behind me.

And when I discovered that, I felt so bad.  "I'm busted."  Here's Thomas saying, "I won't believe unless I could put my finger in His side."  Jesus shows up.  "Hi Thomas.  Here, put your finger in my side and look at my hands."  And Thomas is going, "How did he know that?  He wasn't there," I thought.  He was busted, but notice how gracious Jesus Christ is condescending to Thomas' response saying, "Come on, Thomas.  Check this out.  Tommy boy, use your scientific investigative methods and actually put your hand in these wounds and you can see and you can feel that I am risen from the dead."

Jesus invites Thomas to be diligent enough to check out the evidence.  I want to challenge any skeptics here today.  Be diligent enough to check out the evidence for the resurrection and you will find plenty of it.  You'll discover that Jesus Christ has three credentials.  Number one, the impact He made on history like no one else.  Number two, all of the claims He made about himself including that He was God, including that He would die and rise again from the dead.  And number three, His resurrection itself.

Jesus Christ is the only spiritual leader that claimed a resurrection for Himself.  He predicted it, his disciples died for it, no other religious leader in history ever made that kind of claim.  And we know more details about the last hours of His life, His death and the hours following His death than any other person in ancient history.  And you can check that out.

It was Aristotle who said, "Everyone wants to know the truth."  Every person is aware that we need a bedrock of truth to base our life on.  Pilate once asked Jesus Christ, "What is truth?"  When he said that, he asked it very cynically as if to say, "You can't give me an answer.  There's no such thing as truth," but it was also the cry of his heart.  He was yearning.

He was yearning for somebody to give him the answer.  "Is there such a thing as absolute truth?'  There was a teacher, a friend of mine actually, who took a jar of marbles and set it on his desk, right in front of his students.  And he said, "Students, I want you to guess how many marbles are in that jar."  And so one made a guess, "150," "168," "221," "235," and the teacher said, "The actual number of marbles in this jar is 188.  You can count them.  It's empirical fact.  It's subjective truth.  There's 188 marbles."  "Now," said the teacher, "Which one of the guesses this morning was closest?"  And they all agreed 168 was the closest answer to being the right answer.

Then, the teacher passed out to each student those little StarBurst candies.  You know the kind?  Different flavors, different colors to each student and the teacher asked the students, "Which flavor is the right flavor?"  And they all looked at the teacher like, "What are you, an idiot?  That's a nonsensical question.  Which flavor is the right flavor?  There's no right flavor.  Whatever flavor you prefer is the right flavor."  Teacher said, "That's correct.  Now, let me ask you guys, the whole class."  He said, "Let me ask you a question.  Do you think religious claims are like the marbles in the jar or like the candies I passed out?"

Most of the students said, "It's like the candies you passed out.  Everybody chooses his own way."  And the teacher, my friend said, "You're wrong.  Christianity is based upon objective historical facts of the resurrection, either the tomb was empty or the tomb wasn't empty.  And based upon the facts of history, Christianity makes its appeal.  You make sure that whatever you believe in isn't because of your philosophical outlook or your personal bias, but it's based on the facts of history."

That leads me to the fourth way we can rise up.  Rise up and be honest, Thomas did.  Rise up and be amazed, Thomas was.  Rise up and be diligent and Thomas was as Jesus presented His wounds.  He checked it out.  And number four, rise up and believe.  Rise up and believe and in a few moments I'm going to give you an opportunity to rise up from where you're seated around the stadium and put your shoes onto your faith, your feet onto your faith and show that you believe in Christ.

"Rise up and believe," Jesus said this in Verse 27.  "Do not be unbelieving, but be believing."  A better translation, "Stop becoming faithless Thomas, and become a believer."  "Do not be unbelieving, but believing."  And Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God."  Jesus said to him.  "Thomas, because you have seen, you have believed, blessed" or "Oh, how happy are those who have not seen and have yet believed."

And truly, Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples which are not written in this book, but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that believing you might have life in His name.  I encourage you to do the same.  You know who you are.  You know what you are.  You know if you really believe in God or not, if you have trusted your life to Christ or not, if it's just a religious game or a religious thing or a ritualistic thing or if it's a reality in your life.  You know that personally.

"I encourage you to believe," as Jesus told to Thomas.  Now, a few verses ago, Thomas says, "I will not believe".  And here was Thomas believing.  Wow, what a change.  People are funny, aren't they?  If you tell a man that there are 788,635,000,000 stars in the galaxy, he'll believe you.

But if that same man sees a sign that says, "Wet paint, he wants to stop and investigate."  "I will not believe."  "Here are my wounds Thomas.  Now, believe.  Check it out, believe."  Thomas rises up.  He rises up from the lowest depths of doubt to the highest pinnacle of faith when he says, "My Lord."  That's His common title.  And, "My God."  That's His title of deity.  Jesus claimed to be God.  "My Lord and my God," and what joy must have flooded Thomas' heart at that moment realizing, "This is indeed the Lord.  He is really alive.  I'm checking it out."

What joy?  There's something else I just need to remark on as we bring this to a close.  When Thomas is introduced back in Verse 24 and almost everywhere in the New Testament, it says, "Now, Thomas called the twin."  Ever noticed that, the twin?  Do you ever wonder, "Who's his twin?  How come his twin is never named?"  We don't know who his twin is but I bet you that there's a lot of people here today who could be Thomas' twin.  

There's so much like Thomas.  They think so much like that dude.  They think so much like that guy.  They have the same kind of patterns.  And so, like Thomas, will you rise up and be honest?  Will you rise up and be amazed?  Would you rise up and be diligent and would you rise up and would you believe?  

You might say, "Well, I'm nearly not that kind of person that's predisposed to believing."  Actually, I think you're dead wrong.  You know everybody believe something.  Everyone believes.  Even an atheist believes something.  Everybody has a belief system.  Everybody exercises faith.  To drive your car requires faith and for some of you, your car requires a lot of faith.  And then once you get out on the New Mexico roads with other New Mexico drivers, it takes even more faith.  You might not understand how your car works but you believe by faith if you put your key in the ignition and turn it, it's going to work.  That's faith.

It takes faith for you to go to a bank with a check.  Somebody wrote you a check.  All that is, is a promise.  How do you know that they're true?  You have faith that that bank's going to honor that check.  You go to a doctor.  The doctor says some gibberish in Greek.  You don't know what it is, but you trust that doctor.  You place your life in his or her hands.  That's a life of faith and to go to heaven, it takes faith.

None of you will ever make it into God's presence unless you actively believe and in just a few moments I'm going to give you that opportunity to actively believe.  Rise up and believe.  Would you all stand with me this morning?  As we close in prayer.  

Lord, in this great stadium that we're in this morning on a beautiful day, an unusual day, an extraordinary day, a gift from heaven.  We have come to honor You and to praise You.  We have given you songs, our time.  Some of us are treasure, but what You want more than anything else is not our money.  What You want more than anything else isn't just our time.  What You want more than anything else isn't just for us to sing a song.  What You want is our heart, our very life.  You want us to believe, to rise up in honesty and diligence and to place our faith in the only one You gave to take away our sin, that is Jesus Christ.

I pray that many hundreds of people, who up to this point have just trusted in themselves or trusted and their philosophy or trusted in their religion, would now trust in Jesus Christ personally.  Amen.

Remain standing.  Now, we're going to give you an opportunity and there are thousands of people.  We figured about 124,000 this year.

There are a lot of people here, but we have made provision for each and every one of you who has a heart that is searching after truth, meaning, purpose, forgiveness from your past to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

I believe you're not here by accident but by appointment.  God knows your name.  God knows your heart.  God knows your needs.  God knows your losses.  God knows the emptiness you've been feeling and He wants to fill it.

But you've got to do something.  The Bible talks about acknowledging that Jesus is the only way to bring you salvation.  You have to be willing then to repent of your sins and to turn your life over to Christ personally.  And, you must do it now, because the Bible always said, "Now is the accepted time.  Today is the day of salvation."  Whenever God calls, we must respond and if you're gathered this morning and you don't personally know Jesus, or you haven't been walking with Jesus, maybe a commitment was made a long time ago but you're not in fellowship with Him and you need to come back home to Him.

As we sing this last song, I'm going to ask hundreds of you who are in this stadium to get up out of where you're standing, find the nearest aisle, come right down here on the field and say a prayer with me to receive Christ as your savior.  As we sing this song, you get up and come.  Some of our councils will show you the way down.  You come.  Come on down.  Come and stand right here. 

Come right over here. 

Come and stand right up here.

This is going to take a few minutes.  We have a few minutes.  Everyone in this stadium, from the far corner to the very top, all the way across, are you sure?  Are you sure that if you were to die tonight that you would be in heaven?  You need to make sure if you're not sure.  You get up and come.  This is the day God has brought you into a relationship with His son.  Bring your family.  Bring your friends.  Come and stand right up here.  We're going to all squeeze in together a little bit.

Come on over.  There's plenty of room. 

There's young, old, in between, some of you are newer to life, some of you have been around awhile, some of you are jaded.  Some of you might even be thinking, "I've tried everything."  I will guarantee you by the authority of heaven that Jesus Christ can save you from hell and give you eternal life.

And, He sealed it in His own blood.  He died on the cross, so that you would never have to be separated from God and He will give you the hope of heaven as a free gift, but you have to receive it if you have never done this.  You get down here.  We'll wait just a few more minutes because people keep coming.  Let's bring everybody closer together here.  We have a lot of you.  Don't put it off. 

There's room for everyone of you at the foot of the cross.  Nobody's too bad to be saved.  Nobody's too good to be saved here in this big, throng this morning but God knows you by name.  Even you way out in the first corner behind that bush, and you think nobody can see you, God sees you.  Don't hide from Him.  Don't try to run from Him.  Run to Him.

God bless you guys.  Let's make a little bit of room right here at the stairs.  There's more who are coming.  Thank you.  God loves you so much. 

Those of you who have come forward, I don't know the circumstances of your life, good or bad.  I don't know what you've done.  You don't need to know what you've done.  You don't know what I've done and God forgave me and God will forgive you.  I'm going to lead you in a prayer this morning.  It's just an honest prayer where you will ask the Lord to come into your life and to be you master, your Lord to rule over you.

If you're giving Him permission to come inside and take charge, I want you to say this prayer out loud after me and I want you to pray this from your heart as you give your life to Christ.  Are you ready?  Everybody here, let's pray together.  Say this.  Lord, I give You my life.  I admit I'm a sinner.  I'm sorry.  I believe that Jesus died and that He rose from the dead and that He did it for me.  I turned from my sin.  I turned to You as my savior.  Help me to live for You as my Lord.  Fill me with your Holy Spirit.  In Jesus' name, Amen.  Come on.

Additional Messages in this Series

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Into the Garden - Easter Sunrise Service 2021
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Everyone loves a garden, even if they’re not a gardener. We love the splendor, freshness, and life found in gardens. The Bible is full of gardens, covering the entire scope of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. There’s some truth to the adage that God’s plan always includes a garden. In this teaching, Skip Heitzig looks at four gardens in the Bible, explaining how they lead us from death and sadness to life and peace.
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Into the Garden
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Everyone loves a garden, even if they’re not a gardener. We love the splendor, freshness, and life found in gardens. The Bible is full of gardens, covering the entire scope of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. There’s some truth to the adage that God’s plan always includes a garden. In this teaching, Skip Heitzig looks at four gardens in the Bible, explaining how they lead us from death and sadness to life and peace.
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Come Alive - Easter Service 2020
Ephesians 2:1-7
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
The resurrection of Jesus is either a fairy tale or the most wonderful and hopeful event in history. A resurrection from the dead may sound ridiculous to some, but for others it's the resounding act of God. A dead man coming back to life defies natural law, but it doesn't defy supernatural leverage. Christianity is a religion of resurrection; the dead coming to life is the core of the gospel. In this message, Skip Heitzig shares how the truth of the resurrection transforms your life.
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Easter Sunrise Service 2019
Skip Heitzig
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Easter Sunrise Service 2018
Skip Heitzig
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Easter Sunrise Service 2017 - An Empty Tomb; A Full Life
Acts 2:22-32
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
We have spent twelve weeks examining the remarkable nature of predictive prophecy. We’ve considered the chances of one person in history fulfilling the precise forecasts about the then-coming-Messiah made by the Old Testament prophets. The chances of over 300 predictions all coming true in one individual defies all the odds and challenges the willful unbelief of any detractor. Today, on this Easter Sunday, we especially rejoice that death has been conquered by the same predicted One whose life, death, and resurrection set Him apart from anyone else.
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Easter Sunrise Service 2016 - What's Next?
John 16:16-33
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
When Jesus was crucified, the disciples wondered what was next. The Man they had followed for over three years, the Man they believed would save Israel and the world, had died a horrible death. They scattered and hid, grief-stricken and frightened, wondering if they too would be targeted. But then, three days after His crucifixion, Jesus rose from the grave—He was alive! In this special Easter message, we see what's next for us as we examine three benefits the resurrection gives believers today.
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Easter Sunrise Service 2015 - Jesus Loves You
John 3:16
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
The world often wonders why believers celebrate Easter and why it's so significant. To the believer, it's obvious: Jesus Christ is alive! And because He is alive, we have a living hope in Him and we can live eternally with Him. In this Easter message, we take a look at the popular verse John 3:16, and we learn just how boundless and unconditional God's love is for the world.
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Easter's Over! Now What?
1 Peter 1:3-4
Skip Heitzig
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Last week we celebrated Easter—the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. We prepared our hearts by contemplating Christ’s sufferings as we nailed our sins to a wooden cross and then saw it covered in red on Good Friday. Then on Easter we rejoiced that death was overcome. But now what? What does the resurrection mean to us in practical terms, and how can it inspire and motivate us? Peter was an eyewitness. Let’s ask him.
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Easter Sunrise Service 2014 - Say It Loud: He's Alive!
Psalm 22:31; Matthew 28:1-8
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
There are many messages we want to shout out loud, but there is only one that is truly worthy of being proclaimed. In Psalm 22, we see the anguish and humiliation of the cross progress into the accomplishment of the cross. We learn how we can navigate our lives by Jesus' resurrection so that this message only grows louder in our lives. We have the best news, so we should say it loud: He's alive!
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Easter Sunrise Service 2013 - I Dare You to Live
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Listen to the story of Lazarus and the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Dare to live because Jesus Christ dared to die in our place. Dare to take a stand and be raised up for God's glory since Jesus Christ dared to be raised up and placed on a cross in our place. Dare to follow Jesus Christ in resurrected life because Jesus Christ himself promised us resurrected life. Dare to rid our life of apathy, complacence, and mediocrity since Jesus Christ dared to give His very best for us and be the very best sacrifice for the world.
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Easter Sunrise Service 2011 - The Day After
Skip Heitzig
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The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ offer hope for eternal life for all who believe. As we consider the events just before and after Jesus was raised from the dead, we'll be challenged to make a decision—will you allow Jesus to change your life?
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Easter 2011 - The Day After
Matthew 27:51-53;28:1-15
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ offer hope for eternal life for all who believe. As we consider the events just before and after Jesus was raised from the dead, we'll be challenged to make a decision—will you allow Jesus to change your life?
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Easter Sunrise Service 2010 - Forgiven
Romans 4:24-25
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
Forgiveness, God's greatest gift to meet our greatest need. How can we be forgiven? Join us as we consider the conviction of our faith, the redemption from our sin, and the resurrection of our Christ. When we think about the price paid for our sin, and the power demonstrated by the resurrection we can respond in genuine celebration! He is alive!
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Easter 2010 - Forgiven
Romans 4:24-25
Skip Heitzig
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Forgiveness, God's greatest gift to meet our greatest need. How can we be forgiven? Join us as we consider the conviction of our faith, the redemption from our sin, and the resurrection of our Christ. When we think about the price paid for our sin, and the power demonstrated by the resurrection we can respond in genuine celebration! He is alive!
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Easter Sunrise Service 2009 - It's About Time!
Revelation 1:17-18
Skip Heitzig
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Easter Sunrise Service 2009 - It's About Time! - Revelation 1:17-18 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 2009 - It's About Time!
Revelation 1:17-18
Skip Heitzig
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Happy Resurrection Day! I look forward to Easter all year long. Why? Because Easter is the New Year's Day of the soul! Jesus is alive--there’s no question about that. But, is He alive in you? The author of the book of Revelation was a man who had been following Jesus most all of his adult life. What he sees here shows us just how special this time is.
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Easter Sunrise Service 2008 - The Almost Empty Tomb
John 20:1-8
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 2008 - The Almost Empty Tomb - John 20:1-8 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 2008 - The Almost Empty Tomb
John 20:1-8
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 2008 - The Almost Empty Tomb - John 20:1-8 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 2007 - Four Things To Do On Easter
Matthew 28:1-8
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 2007 - Four Things To Do On Easter - Matthew 28:1-8 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque
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Easter Sunrise Service 2007 - Four Things To Do On Easter
Matthew 28:1-8
Skip Heitzig
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Easter Sunrise Service 2007 - Four Things To Do On Easter - Matthew 28:1-8 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
Easter 2006 - A Dying Man's Hope
Job 19:23-27
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 2006 - A Dying Man's Hope - Job 19:23-27 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 2005 - Are You Too Secure?
Matthew 27-28
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 2005 - Are You Too Secure? - Matthew 27-28 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 2004 - Four Reasons Why the Resurrection is a Big Deal
1 Peter 1:3-4
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 2004 - Four Reasons Why the Resurrection is a Big Deal - 1 Peter 1:3-4 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 2003 - Why Did Jesus Die?
1 Corinthians 15
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 2003 - Why Did Jesus Die? - 1 Corinthians 15 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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The Cross of Christ
Colossians 2
Skip Heitzig
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The Cross of Christ - Colossians 2 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 2002 - Easter - A Day Of Discovery!
John 20:11-18
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 2002 - Easter - A Day Of Discovery! - John 20:11-18 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 2002 - Disciples And Secret Service
John 19:38-42
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 2002 - Disciples And Secret Service - John 19:38-42 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 2001
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 2001 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 2000 - The Day Of Second Chance
John 3:16
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 2000 - The Day Of Second Chance - John 3:16 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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After-Death Disturbances
Matthew 27:51-54
Skip Heitzig
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After-Death Disturbances - Matthew 27:51-54 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1999 - When Angels Speak
Matthew 28:6-7
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1999 - When Angels Speak - Matthew 28:6-7 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1999 - A Resurrection Restoration
John 21
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1999 - A Resurrection Restoration - John 21 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1998 - Why is the Resurrection So Important?
1 Peter 1:3-4
Skip Heitzig
Message Summary
"Another Easter, another resurrection talk!"  That's what a lot of people feel who come to for their biannual visit.  So what's the big deal about the resurrection?  Christians all over the world make it such a big issue?  There are lots of reasons.  Peter, who witnessed it, gives us four great reasons why the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so important.
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Easter 1997 - A Dying Man's Living Hope
Job 19:25-27
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1997 - A Dying Man's Living Hope - Job 19:25-27 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1996 - The Resurrection and the Life
John 11
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1996 - The Resurrection and the Life - John 11 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1995 - You Want Me to believe That?
John 20:24-29
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1995 - You Want Me to believe That? - John 20:24-29 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1994 - Mary Magdalene's Discovery
John 20:11-18
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1994 - Mary Magdalene's Discovery - John 20:11-18 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1993 - Reaction to the Resurrection
Acts 17:16-34
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1993 - Reaction to the Resurrection - Acts 17:16-34 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Christ Our Passover
Luke 19; 22
Skip Heitzig
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Christ Our Passover - Luke 19, 22 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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The Events of Passion Week
Skip Heitzig
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The Events of Passion Week from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1991 - Stop Him from Rising
Matthew 27
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1991 - Stop Him from Rising - Matthew 27 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Jesus and the Passover
Skip Heitzig
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Jesus and the Passover from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1989 - Make the Tomb Secure
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1989 - Make the Tomb Secure from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1988 - A Woman at Jesus' Funeral
John 20:10-18
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1988 - A Woman at Jesus' Funeral - John 20:10-18 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1987 - Resurrection Rewards
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1987 - Resurrection Rewards from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1986 - Sorrow Turned into Joy
John 16:20
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1986 - Sorrow Turned into Joy - John 16:20 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1984
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1984 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Passover 1984
Exodus 12
Skip Heitzig
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Passover 1984 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1983
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1983 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Easter 1982
John 20
Skip Heitzig
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Easter 1982 - John 20 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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Exodus 12
Skip Heitzig
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Passover - Exodus 12 from our series Easter Messages with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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There are 52 additional messages in this series.
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